viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011

Farmer's Day at school / Día del Agricultor en la escuela

Hubo venta de verduras y frutas

They were selling fresh vegetables and fruits

Qué linda la campesinita vendiendo aguacates!

A cute little girl wearing  our traditional costume, selling avocatoes!

Algo de arte...

Some paintings...

También hubo obra de teatro

Also there was a play

No hace falta que les diga quién fue mi verdura favorita verdad?

And I don`t need to tell you who was my favorite veggie...

Este par podría llevarse el Premio de la Academia por la Mejor Interpretación de un Ayote!

Actually these two could win the Academy Award for Best Performance of a Squash!

Feliz viernes!

Happy friday to all!

2 comentarios:

  1. i can't believe how big those peppers!!! beautiful pictures.

    if you want me to show you that article just email me so i can email you back. i took some pictures i can attach them for you:) you're so sweet to care.

  2. Becky thank´s for stopping by! Looking forward to see your home!
